Registration period
Late registration: July 10 (Wed), 2024- August 9 (Fri), 2024
* Please note that only credit card payment will be acceptable for late registration.
Payment due date for early registration: Jane 21 (Fri), 2024
Registration fees
Program booklet
Regular member
To be delivered as a membership benefit.
Student member (Graduate student)
Student member (Undergraduate)
Non-member (Graduate/Undergraduate student)
Payment methods
Credit card payment
VISA, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, Diners Club are acceptable.
Postal/Bank transfer *Available for early registration only.
Please use a blue payment slip provided at a post office and make sure to specify your registration No. and your registered name when you make a payment.
It is possible to transfer via ATM or internet banking. If you have any problems, please contact the bank you use as the transfer methods differs depending on the bank.
<Postal transfer account>Account no. : 00160-9-605742Account name: ㈱エー・イー企画 97細菌学会
<Bank transfer account>Bank name: Japan post bankBranch no. : 019Account type: Checking accountAccount no. : 0605742Account name: ㈱エー・イー企画 97細菌学会* Please note that any bank charges shall be borne by the remitter.
Payment due date: June 21 (Fri), 2024* Please note that your registration will be automatically cancelled if you do not complete the payment by the due date.*Above bank account will be closed after the payment due date. Please note that the post office will refund you at a later date even if you have completed the transfer procedure.
Registration fees will not be refunded for any reasons.
How to register
1) Please create an account first.
2) When you login after creating an account, the “参加登録を行う(=Register)” button will appear. Please click on the “参加登録を行う(=Register)” button and fill in the required information.
3) An automatic confirmation e-mail will be sent to the registered e-mail address.
If you are a member, your membership number is required. If you forgot your membership number or wish to join JSB, please contact the society secretariat (Tel. +81-3-3947-8891). If you are in the process of applying for membership, please input “9999”.
Name badge/Receipt/Program booklet
Name badge
A name badge can be downloaded from the online registration system. Please login to the system once you complete the registration. If you will be attending on site, please print it out and bring it with you. (A name badge can be folded and put in a name badge holder.)
A receipt can also be downloaded and printed out from the online registration system.
Program booklet
A program booklet will be sent to all JSB members from the society secretariat in late-July, 2024, regardless of whether or not they have registered.
If you are a non-member and need a program booklet, please purchase it when you register.
Early registration: Sent from the meeting secretariat in late July, 2024.
Late registration: Please pick it up at the reception desk at the venue.
Being prepared