How to reserve Biotechnology Seminar Tickets
(Luncheon Seminar)

Information of Biotechnology Seminar (Luncheon Seminar)

If you‘d like to attend Biotechnology Seminars, please obtain Biotechnology Seminar tickets in one of the following ways and exchange the ticket for lunch at each seminar room. Please note that the number of tickets for each seminar is limited.

How to reserve Biotechnology Seminar tickets (Luncheon Seminar)

1)Before the meeting:
[Advance web booking]

Advance web booking site for those who have completed pre-registration will open from October 23(Wed)10:00-October 25(Fri)17:00 (JST). Click “Login” button below.
*In applying for the tickets, registration no. and email address are required. * You can apply for one seminar of each day.
*As result notification will be emailed, please show the email (copy or smartphone/tablet screen) at the distribution ticket desk on the seminar day to receive the ticket.

2)During the meeting days:
[Distribution of same-day tickets]

For advance or late/on-site registrants
Same-day tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please show your name badge and receive the ticket at the distribution ticket desk located below. (One ticket per day is issued to the person themselves only.)

Distribution ticket desk: 1F, Fukuoka Convention Center

Distribution time:
11/27-11/29 8:00-11:00
end when out of tickets

  • ・The number of lunches is limited for each seminar.
  • ・If you’d like to audit a seminar without lunch, please ask staff at a seminar room.
  • ・In case we cannot confirm your payment of pre-registration fee, your advance booking will be invalid.
  • ・Your name badge is required when you receive same-day tickets.
  • ・The tickets are valid until the seminar start. Please be aware that if you are late, lunch will be provided to those who want to attend the seminar without the tickets.
  • ・There is no advance web reservation for the biotechnology short seminars since their tickets will be distributed on the seminar days.

Advance web reservation for
biotechnology seminar

October 23(Wed)10:00-October 25(Fri)17:00 (JST)