Basic Lecture
June 10 (Mon)13:00-14:40
[Session Language: Japanese]
PSSJ Basic course: Structural basis for protein spectroscopy and the fundamentals of protein spectroscopy
Organizers: Masafumi Yohda (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Susumu Uchiyama(Osaka Univ.)
Akinori Kidera (Yokohama City Univ.)
Yukihiro Ozaki (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)
The importance and necessity of spectroscopy in drug discovery and production of protein drugs has been recognized, and spectroscopic techniques such as infrared, Raman, and circular dichroism have been continuously developed. In this PSSJ basic course, we will have lectures from leading scientists on the structural basis for understanding protein spectroscopy and the fundamentals of protein spectroscopy. The workshop of the Protein Engineering will be held after the basic lecture on the theme of the use of spectroscopy.
June 11 (Tue) 9:15-11:45
[Session Language: English]
The trend in protein science aiming to address pandemic challenges.
Organizer: Katsumi Maenaka(Hokkaido Univ.)
Erica Saphire(La Jolla Institute for Immunology)
Yoshimasa Takahashi(National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Research Center)
Yuqi(Gary) Zhang(Schrodinger)
Hideo Fukuhara(Hokkaido Univ.)
Shota Uehara (Shionogi & Co., Ltd.)
Young Scientist Award Symposium
June 12(Wed) 9:15-11:30
[Session Language: English]
Chairs: Eriko Nango (Tohoku Univ.), Mitsunori Ikeguchi(Yokohama City Univ.)
Day 1 June 11 (Tue)
WS1 16:00-18:30
[Session Language:Japanese]
Protein Science from Multifaceted Perspectives
Organizers: Hideki Taguchi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Yoshikazu Tanaka (Tohoku Univ.)
Hideki Taguchi(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
Masaki Matsumoto(Niigata Univ.)
Ryotaro Koike(Nagoya Univ.)
Munehito Arai(The Univ. of Tokyo)
Suzuka Ono(Kyoto Sangyo Univ.)
Tomohiro Yamazaki(Osaka Univ.)
Yoshikazu Tanaka(Tohoku Univ.)
WS2 16:00-18:30
[Session Language:Japanese]
Cell-free protein synthesis based molecular systems for new protein science
Organizers: Ken-ichi Nishiyama (Iwate University) Tomoaki Matsuura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Ken-ichi Nishiyama (Iwate University)
Tomoaki Matsuura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Shoko Fujita (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Gosuke Hayashi (Nagoya University)
Teruyo Kato (Nagoya University)
Yuzuru Tozawa (Saitama University)
WS3 16:00-18:30
[Session Language:Japanese]
The Present and Future of Peptide Design
Organizers: Masahito Ohue (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Masatake Sugita (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Masatake Sugita (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Ai Niitsu (RIKEN)
Yuki Murakami (Yokohama City University)
Shunji Suetaka (The University of Tokyo)
Naoya Kobayashi (NAIST)
Masahito Ohue (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
WS4 16:00-18:30
[Session Language:English]
Exploring the true nature of proteins - Challenges of linking protein structure, physical properties, and functions -
Organizers: Chojiro Kojima (Yokohama National University) Koh Takeuchi (The University of Tokyo)
Mitsunori Ikeguchi (Yokohama City University)
Takayuki Kato (Osaka University)
Mako Kamiya (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Daisuke Koda (Kyushu University)
Koh Takeuchi (The University of Tokyo)
Kouhei Tsumoto (The University of Tokyo)
WS5 16:00-18:30
[Session Language:Japanese]
Various structural designs of artificial antibodies
Organizers: Takeshi Nakanishi (Osaka Metropolitan University) Koki Makabe (Yamagata University)
Koki Makabe (Yamagata University)
Masahiro Kawahara (National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition)
Ryutaro Asano (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Kyohei Sato (Tohoku University)
Makoto Nakayama (Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.)
Junichi Takagi (Osaka University)
Takeshi Nakanishi (Osaka Metropolitan University)
Day 2 June 12 (Wed)
WS6 16:00-18:30
[Session Language:Japanese]
Frontline of cross-scale biology
Organizers: Masahide Kikkawa (The University of Tokyo) Noritaka Nishida (Chiba University)
Sasaki Ryohei (The University of Tokyo)
Kazuki Watanabe (Chiba University)
Shohei Fujii (Tohoku University)
Shingo Tamai (RIKEN CBS)
Tsuyoshi Imazaki (Kobe University)
Kyoko Chiba (Tohoku University)
Takahiro Nagao (The University of Tokyo)
Goro Nishide (Kanazawa University)
WS7 16:00-18:30
[Session Language: English]
Workshop in Collaboration with PS and APPA
Organizers: Atsushi Nakagawa(Osaka Univ.) Katsumi Maenaka(Hokkaido Univ.)
Elizabeth Meiering(Univ. of Waterloo)
Yun-Ru (Ruby) Chen(Academia Sinica)
Kwang Yeon Hwang(Korea Univ.)
Sun Choi(Ewha Womans Univ.)
Yonggui Gao(Nanyang Technological Univ.)
This symposium is organized by the headquarters of Protein Science Society of Japan to facilitate collaboration with Protein Socoiety and Asian Pasific Association. The President of PS, the chair and member of APPA, the present and former presidents of Protein Socoiety in Korea are invited.
WS8 16:00-18:30
[Session Language:English]
Exploring Protein Self-Condensation Mechanisms in Dynamic Solution Environments: New Perspectives and Future Vision
Organizers: Naotaka Sekiyama (Kyoto University) Kenji Sugase (Kyoto University)
Naotaka Sekiyama (Kyoto University)
Kenji Sugase (Kyoto University)
Hideki Nakamura (Kyoto University)
Norio Yoshida (Nagoya University)
Ayako Furukawa (Kyoto University)
John E. Straub (Boston University)
WS9 16:00-18:30
[Session Language:English]
Current trends in analytical technologies for development and quality control of next-generation therapeutic antibodies that maximize the value of proteins
Organizers: Akiko Ishii-Watabe (National Institute of Health Sciences) Kouhei Tsumoto (The University of Tokyo)
Akiko Ishii-Watabe (National Institute of Health Sciences)
Noritaka Hashii (National Institute of Health Sciences)
Satoru Nagatoishi (The University of Tokyo)
Koichi Kato (National Institutes of Natural Sciences)
Masato Kiyoshi (National Institute of Health Sciences)
Susumu Uchiyama (Osaka University)
Kouhei Tsumoto (The University of Tokyo)
WS10 16:00-18:30
[Session Language:Japanese]
Multi-omics data analyses for promoting protein science
Organizers: Kengo Kinoshita (Tohoku University) Kei Yura (Ochnomizu University)
Yoichiro Kamatani (The University of Tokyo)
Matsuyuki Shirota (Tohoku University)
Susumu Yamanobe (Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development)
Yutaka Suzuki (The University of Tokyo)
Seizo Koshiba (Tohoku University)
Hiroko Matsunaga (Waseda University)
Day 3 June 13 (Thu)
WS11 8:30-11:00
[Session Language: English]
PSSJ-Devision for bio-analysis of SBJ-JPrOS joint workshop
Organizers: Susumu Uchiyama (Osaka Univ.), Takeshi Bamba(Kyushu Univ.), Yasushi Ishihama(Kyoto Univ.)
Takeshi Masuda (Keio Univ.)
Yasushi Ishihama (Kyoto Univ.)
Fumio Matsuda (Osaka Univ.)
Wataru Aoki (Osaka Univ.)
Kengo Kinoshita (Tohoku Univ.)
Multiomics research has been actively conducted. In this workshop, researchers from three related societies will present the recent situation and the latest research results on proteomics, metabolomics, and the analysis of structures and functions of multiple types of proteins, focusing on proteins that play a central role in biological functions. We hope that this meeting will provide an opportunity to further expand the scope of protein science.
WS12 8:30-11:00
[Session Language:Japanese]
Unveiling the kinetic-driven LLPS mechanism by the cutting-edge technologies
Organizers: Tomohide Saio (Tokushima University) Masaki Okumura (Tohoku University)
Takahiro Muraoka (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.)
Shunsuke Shimobayashi (Kyoto University)
Eiichiro Mori (Nara Medical University)
Masaki Okumura (Tohoku University)
Maho Yagi-Utsumi (Nagoya City University)
Takakazu Nakabayashi (Tohoku University )
Lee Young-Ho (Korea Basic Science Institute)
Hiroyuki Uechi (Tohoku University)
WS13 8:30-11:00
[Session Language:Japanese]
Frontier of interdisciplinary protein engineering
Organizers: Naohiro Terasaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Yuta Suzuki (JST PRESTO)
Koji Oohora (Osaka University)
Takahiro Mori (The University of Tokyo)
Yusuke Nasu (The University of Tokyo)
Ai Kohata (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Shingo Honda (University of Washington)
Naohiro Terasaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
WS14 8:30-11:00
[Session Language:Japanese]
Where Bioinformatics and Agrochemistry Meet
(Joint Workshop of PSSJ and JSBBA supported by AMED-BINDS)
Organizers: Shinya Fushinobu (The University of Tokyo) Masakazu Sekijima (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Masakazu Sekijima (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Atsushi Yamagata (RIKEN BDR)
Keisuke Yanagisawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Kohji Murase (The University of Tokyo )
Tomomi Sumida (JAMSTEC CeBN)
WS15 15:40-18:10
[Session Language:Japanese]
Crossover between Protein Science and AI
Organizers: Hafumi Nishi (Tohoku University) Kentaro Tomii (AIST)
Kentaro Tomii (AIST)
George Chikenji (Nagoya University)
Yoshitaka Moriwaki (The University of Tokyo)
Daisuke Kihara (Purdue University)
Ryuichiro Ishitani (Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
WS16 15:40-18:10
[Session Language:English]
Molecular design for expanding protein functions -Challenges and Prospects-
Organizers: Shigehiko Hayashi (Kyoto University) Eriko Nango (Tohoku University)
Robert E. Campbell (The University of Tokyo)
Florence Tama (Nagoya University)
Tomohiro Nishizawa (Yokohama City University)
Keiichi Inoue (The University of Tokyo)
Nobuyasu Koga (Osaka University)
Now that the prediction of protein structure from amino acid sequence has been revolutionized by AlphaFold2 and other cutting edge computational approaches, the next frontier of protein science is to enable flexible conversion and creation of protein functions based on dynamic structures of proteins. For this workshop, we invite scientists with expertise in areas including the theoretical prediction of protein structural changes, dynamic structural analysis of proteins, and directed evolution and de novo design of proteins. In addition, we invite researchers in application fields that are being opened up by the development of new functional proteins to attend this symposium and discuss methods and prospects for the future of functional protein design.
WS17 15:40-18:10
[Session Language:English]
Frontiers of in-cell protein trafficking, structures and functions
Organizers: Takuya Shiota (University of Miyazaki) Yuhei Araiso (Kanazawa University)
Li Long (Peking University)
Masato Nakai (Osaka University)
Yoichi Miyamoto (NIBIOHN)
Ryoji Miyazaki (NAIST)
Edward Germany (University of Miyazaki)
Nanako Kobasyashi (Kanazawa University)
WS18 15:40-18:10
[Session Language:Japanese]
Recent advances in protein science using NMR spectroscopy
Organizers: Tomoyasu Aizawa (Hokkaido University) Izuru Kawamura (Yokohama National University)
Masaki Mishima (Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences)
Kaoru Nomura (Suntory Foundation for Life Sciences)
Tomohide Saio (Tokushima University)
Eri Chatani (Kobe University)
Tomoyasu Aizawa (Hokkaido University)
Izuru Kawamura (Yokohama National University)
WS19 15:40-18:10
[Session Language:Japanese]
Frontiers of translational control studies in model organism Escherichia coli
Organizers: Takehito Tanzawa (Osaka University) Tatsuya Niwa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Takashi Kanamori (GeneFrontier Corp.)
Tsukumi Miwa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Atsushi Minami (The University of Tokyo)
Hideji Yoshida (Osaka Med. Pharm. University)
Translation is constituted of multi-step quality controls, which are complicated but sophisticated. Recent analytical advances and experimental expansion including cell-free translation system make the dynamics of translational control factors acting in cis/trans on ribosome reveal. This workshop will focus on the frontiers of translational control studies in Escherichia coli, which has long been used as a protein expression system.
6th Flr., Shin-osaka Grand Bldg. 2-14-63 Miyahara, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-0003
Tel.+81-6-6350-7163 Fax.+81-6-6350-7164